With a recent update of PHP, the library we use to create the PDF files for the Memebr Card and the Member Certificate is broke.  It does create a file that is downloaded to your comptuer, but the file is corrupt to the point, your PDF reader is unable to parse the file correctly.

But all is not lost. These files can be corrected by removing the corrupt data.  You can send the file to n7yg@n7yg.com and I'll fix it and send it back to you, or if you have a Hex Editor such as HxD you can edit this file yourself with the following procedure:

1.  Open the file wih your hex editor
2.  Using the search function locate the following string -- %PDF
3.  Place the cursor on the byte just prior to the %
4.  Highlight everything from that point back to the beginning.  It's about 15K of junk.
5.  Select Delete from the Edit menu
6.  Save the file back.
7.  It should now open with your PDF reader.

We are working to replace that library and update the code to use the new library.